Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Post #1 Top 5 News Sources

Personally, I get my news from NBC's Snapchat story and different influencers on Instagram as well as new stations posting updates on Instagram, With social media, there is a ton of different ways that news can get to you. The most common way is that the user would go to one of their preferred news channel accounts and see what the recent posts that they are making are. Another way people get news on social media is the algorithm might show them posts that have current events within the content of the post. The user might not be looking for news when they go to open the app but sometimes they will get it anyway. I think this is a good thing that the algorithms do because it keeps people updated with current events even if they are not looking to do so. 

When I am at home, my living room constantly has FOX news running, while I don't pay too much attention to the news my parents relay the most important things to me over the conversation. Fox is the main source of news for my family because both of my parents grew up in southern Virginia, which is where I grew up as well, and it is a very republican and business-oriented area so the majority of people and families that I know usually turn on FOX witch is the most republican news station. 

My father's favorite thing to watch to keep up with the news that he most cares about is CNBC's "Mad Money" and "Squawk On The Street" with Jim Cramer. This is the news channel for all things money. It goes over everything that happen in the economy that day and how the 

I would have to say that Twitter is the main source of news for me because I scroll through it and also follow certain news pages that post daily updates to keep their followers in the loop. Twitter is also a decently credible source for news because most of the stuff that is posted is coming directly from the news channels and not a third-party source 

 Google is also a good news source to use because it is updated constantly and always extremely relevant. You can go to third-party courses as well as news websites and most of the time is reliable to trust what is said on Google. especially the real websites. 

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