Thursday, April 27, 2023

Post# 7 What I learned

I learned a lot about the history of radio and how it evolved into what it is today in our presentation by Alayna Yelverton. She gave a presentation about the invention of the radio and followed the timeline of it all the way from the beginning to the present. Some of the facts in her presentation included, Who invented the radio, how it got its traction, the invention of stations, and how it evolved. 

The radio has been a big part of my life because I have always done a lot of driving ever since I was young the radio is all that I listened to in the car from music, to sports, to the news. Something was always on, nowadays, people have switched over to playing music on their phones mostly. However, for everything I drive with my mother, the radio is always on, she uses it for news and to catch up on all the new music being released. 

“The radio was first invented and developed by Guglielmo Marconi an Italian inventor. The Invention came to be in the early 1850s, In September 1899, he made his first radio debut using electromagnetic waves to present to the world, telegraphing the results of the America's Cup yacht races from a ship at sea to a land-based station in New York. By the end of 1901, he founded his own commercial wireless company and broadcast the first transatlantic signal.” This was some of the information on the first slide of Alayna’s presentation. I thought this was all very interesting and really brought into perspective to me how far it has really come from the beginning. It is crazy to me how fast technology is growing and I'm intrigued to see where we get in the future. With the age of AI and all the innovations being made today who knows what we are capital of in the next 50 years. 

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