Thursday, April 27, 2023

Post #11 - EOTO What I learned

When listening to my peers' presentations, transhumanism is one of the topics that stuck out to me the most. I had heard of it in the past but did not really comprehend what it was until then and I found it fascinating. Transhumanism is a type of study that attempts to enhance human capabilities through the use of technology. This study is constantly trying to push the boundaries of human potential and doing research on how to morph technology into our bodies. I find this particularly interesting because it is promoting a big step in human evolution, which is meant to happen naturally. 


    One of the more interesting traits and studies of transhumanism is the potential to better human health and longevity. Advances in gene replication and regenerative technologies would be extremely interesting to test on victims of accidents to see what happens to them. Another cool application for this technology is the ability to cure diseases. It would be able to cure severe diseases like diabetes or maybe even cancer one day which would be a massive step forward in human evolution. 

I have always found transhumanism interesting but now that I know the limitless applications for it I am excited to see it put to use one day for a positive reason. Whether that be making someone faster or stronger, or curing cancer. I would love to see the abilities of this technology and can't wait to see the limitations and heights that we can go to with this revolutionary technology. 

Advances in biotechnology, such as gene editing and regenerative medicine, offer the possibility of curing diseases and even extending human life spans. The use of technology to enhance human cognition and memory is also a promising area of research that could improve our ability to learn and solve problems.

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