Thursday, April 27, 2023

Post #8 Technology


As I talked about in my presentation, I dove deep into the history and modern applications of the touchscreen in technology and how it has changed our modern world. The diffusion theory of technology is as follows, “The diffusion of innovations theory describes the pattern and speed at which new ideas, practices, or products spread through a population. The main players in the theory are innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.” When the touchscreen was created in the 1900s it quickly became adopted and implemented in a ton of different things. 

In the past, the touchscreen was originally used for education purposes and was first used at the University of Toronto. It was used steadily as such until Apple came along in 2007 and used touchscreen technology in the very first iPhone. This was a major jump in the technology industry and revolutionized technology and the applications it has today. 

Lots of people were late adopters when talking about the touchscreen because it was such a new concept and had not been tested. Apple was the first company to nationally distribute a touchscreen-only device, which is why more companies started using the technology after them because they knew how valuable it was. As many positives there are about touchscreens there are many downsides as well. They can be glitchy and they completely changed the world's attention span in a negative way. Screen time is at an all-time high and it keeps growing each day. This is dangerous for us as a society because eventually there will be a time when no one ever looks up from a screen, it is making people lazier and we are losing our artistic side of humanity. Eventually, it will be all AI and technology that does work for everyone. However, the positives outway the negatives of touchscreen tenfold. There are limitless applications with touchscreens and they keep getting more advanced year after year. 

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