Thursday, April 27, 2023

Post #6 Anitwar

I think that it is hard to find strong anti-war arguments on the internet because the government wants the rest of the country to think that war is a positive thing when it really only benefits them. This leads to the theory that the government is controlling us and only feeding us information that they want us to know. This is getting increasingly relevant in recent times because of the rise of the media, social media, and increased screen time among civilians. There is also the rise of AI and fake news that you have to watch out
for when doing research or reading of your own, do
not always believe what you read or see. 

War in this country brings involvement and money from the civilians of this country. They take our money and pump it into unnecessary things. WASHINGTON, March 13 (Reuters) - “President Joe Biden's biggest peacetime U.S. defense budget request of $886 billion includes a 5.2% pay raise for troops and the largest allocation on record for research and development, with Russia's war on Ukraine spurring demand for more spending on munitions.” This is not even our war yet we are spending almost a trillion dollars of taxpayers' money to pay rais troops. 

Even Forbs has an article titled, Why War Is Good. This is not a good representation of our country and its government. I think it is hard to find these anti-war voices because they are silenced by the platforms they are using. Google has its own algorithm that lets you see exactly what they want you to see. We need to be more conscientious about this and make sure we are not always believing what we read. We need to stay educated on the issues at hand and teach the ones around us these same important matters.

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